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Thursday, June 16, 2011


Today I visited my step mother in the hospital, she recently went through breast cancer and was having her boobs rebuilt and something went wrong with the muscle. But anyway I spent an entire day in the hospital with her and the rest of my family. Well that's not so much the point of this post, the point is that I hat hospitals. I really don't know why but I absolutely hate hospitals, even when my own father was hospitalized for a week I only went once, this may sound like a dick move but honestly it's mostly because I hate hospitals. Yeah weird post but wanted to put this out there...


  1. They do feel weird, also very depressing..

  2. I'm not especially fond of them either and I work at one! The nurses just all seem jaded and a little snobby. Great views from the upper floors though at least.

  3. i like hospitals. I simply see how we're able to help so many people, even if the process kinda sucks.

  4. I agree. My main associations with hospitals has been watching family members die there, which makes them a hard place to like.

  5. Dont worry, i hate hospitals too, if someone in my family gets sick and goes to the hospital , i dont go, mostly on the foundation of , "if you want me to remeber you, ill choose the image of you not full of wires,tubes,beeping machines."
